Kaontera fampirantiana serivisy fitaratra mahitsy ho an'ny deli sy hena vaovao

Famaritana fohy:

Straight glass service showcase counter for deli and fresh meat5

Fampiasana: bento, hen'omby, akoho, steak, sandwich, sushi, deli, voankazo, salady sns. 

Famariparitana momba ny counter showcase:

◾ Ny mari-pana: -1~5 ℃ ◾ Refrigerant: R404A
◾ Compressor anatiny na compressor ivelany ◾ EBM Fan maotera
◾ Fanaraha-maso ny mari-pana nomerika, mety amin'ny vanim-potoana rehetra ◾ Fandotoana entona mafana, fanalefahana mandeha ho azy, mitsitsy angovo
◾ Talantalana vy tsy misy vy, mahatohitra harafesina, antibaktera ary mora diovina ◾ Jiro Led mitsitsy angovo, fahitana tsara
◾ Ny fitaratra eo anoloana poakaty, manohitra ny fanararaotana ary mangarahara avo, atsipazo miakatra

Product Detail

Tags vokatra


Deli Food Showcase Counter Parameter

1. Sakan'ny safidy: 1135mm na 960.
2. Toerana compressor azo atao: ao anaty compressor na compressor ivelany.
3. Azo ampiana hazavana manodidina ny ambany.

Type MODELY Ny refy ivelany (mm) Ny mari-pana (℃) Boky mahomby (L) Faritra fampisehoana (㎡)
GGKJ Plug-in Deli Food Showcase Counter Ampahany GGKJ-1311YS 1250*1135*1190 -1~5 173 1.01
GGKJ-1911YS 1875*1135*1190 -1~5 259 1.43
Ampahany GGKJ-2511YS 2500*1135*1190 -1~5 346 1.86
Ampahany GGKJ-3811YS 3750*1135*1190 -1~5 519 2.77
Ampahany GGKJ-1313YSWJ 1351*1351*1190 4~10 160 1.10
GGKJ-1310YS 1250*960*1190 -1~5 146 0.85
GGKJ-1910YS 1875*960*1190 -1~5 220 1.21
GGKJ-2510YS 2500*960*1190 -1~5 295 2.59
GGKJ-3810YS 3750*960*1190 -1~5 439 2.35
Ampahany GGKJ-1313YSWJ 1351*1351*1190 4~10 160 1.10
Type MODELY Ny refy ivelany (mm) Ny mari-pana (℃) Boky mahomby (L) Faritra fampisehoana (㎡)
GGKJ Remote Deli Food Showcase Counter Ampahany GGKJ-1311YS 1250*1135*1190 -1~5 173 0.88
GGKJ-1911YS 1875*1135*1190 -1~5 259 1.3
Ampahany GGKJ-2511YS 2500*1135*1190 -1~5 346 1.73
Ampahany GGKJ-3811YS 3750*1135*1190 -1~5 519 2.64
Sary GGKJ-1313YSNJ atao ho Manokana -1~5 / /
Ampahany GGKJ-1313YSWJ 1351*1351*1190 4~10 160 1.10
GGKJ-1310YS 1250*960*1190 -1~5 146 0.85
GGKJ-1910YS 1875*960*1190 -1~5 220 1.21
GGKJ-2510YS 2500*960*1190 -1~5 295 2.59
GGKJ-3810YS 3750*960*1190 -1~5 439 2.35
Ampahany GGKJ-1313YSWJ 1351*1351*1190 4~10 160 1.10
Straight glass service showcase counter for deli and fresh meat5

Ny tombontsoantsika

Famolavolana endrika endrika fianakaviana, fahatsapana mahery vaika, mety amin'ny fivarotana vaovao avo lenta.

Ny fitaratra anoloana dia manana fitaovana manokana manohitra ny condensation, izay afaka misoroka tsara ny vera condensation, ary mitazona ny vokatry ny madio sy mangarahara amin'ny fotoana rehetra.

Ny ambany dia afaka manampy jiro rivo-piainana, fampisehoana vokatra tsara tarehy kokoa.

Ny mari-pana -1~5 ℃.

Fanalana entona mafana, fanalefahana mandeha ho azy, mitsitsy angovo.

Talantalana vy tsy misy vy, mahatohitra harafesina, antibaktera ary mora diovina.

Fanaraha-maso ny mari-pana nomerika, mety amin'ny vanim-potoana rehetra.

Fantsona LED loko nofo, Asongadino ny kalitaon'ny vokatra.

Ny vatan'ny lokon'ny counter dia azo amboarina.

Low Base 5 Layers Shelves Open Vertical Multi Deck Display Chiller030


Straight glass service showcase counter for deli and fresh meat6

Squeeze Air Curtain
Sakanana tsara ny rivotra mafana any ivelany

Low Base 5 Layers Shelves Open Vertical Multi Deck Display Chiller11

Marika malaza eran'izao tontolo izao, kalitao tsara

Low Base 5 Layers Shelves Open Vertical Multi Deck Display Chiller12

Dixell Temperature Controller
Fanitsiana mari-pana mandeha ho azy

Straight glass service showcase counter for deli and fresh meat7

Talantalana Stainless Steel
Corrosion mahatohitra, antibacterial ary mora diovina

Straight glass service showcase counter for deli and fresh meat8

Afaka misokatra ny fitaratra eo anoloana
Mety ho an'ny mpiasan'ny varotra ny manadio sy ny mpanjifa haka entana

Straight glass service showcase counter for deli and fresh meat9

Jiro LED (tsy voatery)
Save Energy

Low Base 5 Layers Shelves Open Vertical Multi Deck Display Chiller16

Danfoss Solenoid Valve
Fanaraha-maso sy fanaraha-maso ny ranon-javatra sy ny gazy

Low Base 5 Layers Shelves Open Vertical Multi Deck Display Chiller18

Danfoss Expansion Valve
Mifehy ny fikorianan'ny refrigerant

Low Base 5 Layers Shelves Open Vertical Multi Deck Display Chiller17

Tube Varahina matevina
Fampitandremana amin'ny Chiller

Straight glass service showcase counter for deli and fresh meat10

Sary misimisy kokoa momba ny Counter Showcase Meat Fresh

Straight glass service showcase counter for deli and fresh meat01
Straight glass service showcase counter for deli and fresh meat02
Straight glass service showcase counter for deli and fresh meat03
Straight glass service showcase counter for deli and fresh meat04

Ny halavan'ny chiller misokatra dia mety ho lava kokoa noho ny zavatra takinao.

Fonosana & fandefasana

Fresh Meat Sushi Salad Service Over Counter With Straight Glass packing

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